(Italian Fish Soup)
  1. Cook the whole fish, including head, with 500 millilitres of cold water in a pressure cooker. Cook just untilthe pressure valve starts rocking. Then remove the cooker from heat.
  2. As soon as the pressure cooker safety valve has opened, pour the liquid only into a stainless steel bowl. add all other ingredients except the tomato puree, oil, and onion, and cover the stainless steel bowl with a dish or other cover to retain stock's steam and heat
  3. Carefully place the steaming fish into a well-cleaned, detergent-free sink, allow to cool, and then remove all flesh from bones, and add to mixture of stock and other ingredients.
  4. In cold oil, fry the chopped onion just until singed, and then add the onion to the mixture of stock plus fish
  5. Add the tomato puree
  6. Heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture just starts to boil
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Taupo and Tongariro Daily Fishing Report